
ACTIVE HIGH SESH: Saturday Burnout

Yoooo! Welcome back, y’all! Thanks for checking out another Active High Sesh (AHS). What that means is I’m getting hiiiigh right now! It’s 4:36 p.m. and about 84639505° in this hot ass heat, but I’m goood. Haha! Alright, let’s talk menus for today:
Weed: Jack Herrer and THC-a Crystalline (96% THC)

Photo Credit: greendoorwest.com/products/jack-herer


THC-a Crystalline / Photo Source http://www.guildextracts.com

Food: Eggs, Sausage, Grits, Popsicles and to be continued…
Drinks: Smart Water and Redd’s WICKED Apple beer (so damn good, y’all! Tastes like apple cider, but with a kick!)
Photo Credit: Reddswickedapple.com

Activities: Grand Theft Auto V and swimming
So, how this will go is I am going to narrate my active high sesh the next day. Those comments will be in purple. The active high sesh is grey. 4:41
4:46: Dean swears two things happen when I smoke an upper: 1. I get super gangsta and fun (hahaha) and 2. I am the best GTA driver ever. Lol! Right now he’s driving and all I hear are sirens and screaming because his driving skills suck! Lol! He had the idea to put some cheats in and bump us to 4 stars on GTA and see who can escape the cops. Let’s put it this way: it won’t be him! 😭😂 4:49
4:50: Already he is trying to cheat! Dean cheats in every single game he plays from Monopoly to GTA. If it’s a game, he will try to cheat. Smh Lol he wants to go in invisible mode. ::Eye roll:: Anyway, he’s dead now. Lol My turn. 4:51
5:02: I died! Lmao! Do-over!!! That didn’t go as well as I thought it would. #Oops 5:02
Photo courtesy of Photo by Carlos Domínguez on Unsplash

5:07: Wait, kiddo came home for a bit. I think we’ll hit the pool now. 5:09
6:41: Back from the pool! The kiddo had a blast! Dean dunked and slammed and splashed us to death, but we had an enormous amount of fun! Have I ever said how much of a better parent I am when I smoke? Seriously, I am much more open, fun, understanding, and patient. It’s really a great thing! 6:44 Although my daughter doesn’t know her mommy uses cannabis products, she definitely benefits from my usage. My parenting skills, ironically, have improved SO much since I began using marijuana. I think I will write a post about that later.
7:01: Is it just me or does anyone else hate the pool/beach aftermath? I mean, all the incessant dripping all over the place is super annoying. Ok, rant over. Gonna smoke again as soon as the kiddo heads to good ole Nana’s house. 😀 Man, shoutout to Mom for always coming through with the babysitting and support. The little girl loves hanging with Nana!
Photo Credit: Misery Still Frame Columbia Pictures/ Castle Rock Films

Alright guys, that was pretty much the end of my AHS. I was high for much longer than I actually documented, but because I smoked mostly uppers (sativa strains), I am not as focused as I can be with an indica strain (downer). The night further went on to include a marathon of Stephen King movies. We watched Dark Tower, Pet Sematary, and Misery. I’d never seen Misery before so that was a real treat! Gotta love the KING of horror and mind-fucking. Haha. Anyway, that’s about it for my AHS on Saturday. Hope you enjoyed the read.
Til next time,
Hardy Har

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