
Family Buds

Hey, welcome back, guys – actually, I think you should be saying that to me! After my first blog post I totally went MIA. That definitely wasn’t intentional, but yo, there have been some major things in life happening, man. Let’s play catch up, shall we? Here goes the condensed version of events:
Dean and I went to Vegas the night of 4/21 due to several pressing family matters. Dean really urged me to go (yeah, I really wasn’t feeling it) and I am so happy he did. The main reason we went was because my aunt was losing her battle with cancer; although, there were a number of other family-oriented things that needed my attention. Anyway, we went and we got to see my aunt. I am so happy we did. It was definitely hard, but she was grateful to see us. There’s something to be said about sitting with a person has they are transitioning to the next experience. There was a stillness to her. She was conscious, but she said she was ready to go. She spoke so highly of her sons, my cousins, who were solid rocks for her during this last two years. It was a beautiful reminder that we should all take precious care of our parents. I decided to spend the afternoon at the hospital with her, my two other aunts, and my cousin. It was actually really nice. So, I skipped something – As we were walking into the room, Captain America (C A) was leaving. Long story short, we decided to meet up in an hour to smoke some bud in the car (hahaha).
While I was visiting at the hospital, C A called me to come to the parking lot. Please tell me why we pulled into a parking stall at the back of the lot and blazed?!?! Hahahaha! It was such a crazy and exhilarating experience! I never in a million years would have guessed I’d be fuckin getting stoned while sitting in a hospital parking lot, but hey, I guess when opportunity knocks, you gotta open the door! Lol! Can I just tell you how LAME my sweet cousin’s weed was?! DUDE!!! After smoking the major top shelf hitters like Lamb’s Breath, Gorilla Girl Scout Cookies, and No Name, I’d say that I have been catapulted into a whole new level because his shit was WHAAAAACCCKKKK!!! HAHA! I told him about the shit Dean and I smoke and C A immediately was like “we gotta smoke before you guys leave!” So we set a date to meet at my sister’s house for some fun times. I think we smoked for like 10 minutes before my sister arrived to pick me up and by the time I got out of his truck, my tiny little buzz was GONE! Dude’s shit was like dried lawn grass! LMAO! I can’t believe people actually smoke that shit. I knew right then and there, that C A’s mind was going to be BLOWN that night!
Ok, so fast forward to that night (4/22) at my sister’s house. Ok, so my sister named herself Kea for the blog. Haha! Kea –wtf? Lol whatever. Anyway, Dean, Kea and I are sitting in her backyard about to blaze out of the new bong, AKA Magic Castle. On the menu that night was the newly acquired Pink Lemonade. Dean had gone a scavenger hunt earlier in the day of 4/21 for this mystical strain. On that run, he also scored some BOMB ASS Platinum Girl Scout Cookies (my favorite, but that’s a story for another blog post). So, Dean loaded up Magic Castle with Pink Lemonade and some THC wax. I ate the Korova edible and Dean and Kea ate the sativa gummy. We started smoking at 7:00 pm on the nose. Dean took the first hit, followed by Kea. Now, Kea hadn’t smoked in a year so I knew this shit was gonna hit her HARD and it sure as fuck did!! She almost fucking DIED choking to death! LMAO!!! She tripped on her stiletto, fell into her patio chair and proceeded to cough uproariously for like 10 minutes! SHE WAS RED, DUDE! HAHAHA! I was trying not to laugh, but by then I had already taken my hit and found the spectacle in front of me hilarious! She finally stopped hacking up her lungs and began to enjoy the riiiide. Hahahaha! Dean and I were chilling in the swing, mellow as fuck. Kea got giddy and funny as hell! I mean, really funny! I made the best gif of her convulsing with laughter. It was priceless! Haha!
At 7:17 pm, Dean and I decided to take a hit of No Name because Pink Lemonade was slow to get me “there.” It’s subtle and I am used to an instant assault on my brain. Haha. Basically, I wanted to get higher, harder and faster. Lol! At this point, Kea was GONE! She TORE UP a bag of popcorn and between laughing fits would become very quiet. It was about this time that she declared “I can’t see!” Dean and I broke out into laughing fits! We carried on in this fashion (laughing, talking, zoning in and out) until C A called desperate to get over to us to smoke. He and his girlfriend, Yogi, weren’t there yet because they had a dinner date with her family. When he called me, I was CLEARLY and definitely stoned out of my ass and he got super hyped and said they weren’t even going to eat! They would grab two drinks and then be on their way. HAHA! I told him that was cool and that I was ordering pizza. This was about 8:00 pm and I was feeling really giddy, but calm and relaxed. I was mostly laughing in my head and not too much outwardly. I was pretty sure that was the effect of No Name. That feeling brought with it the familiar focus aspect that I love. I would lose my train of thought, but would be able to chase it down and finish it out quickly. Because Kea took such a huge hit, she was already at that faze before Dean and I got there. I’m sure the No Name interfered and took us on additional rides of euphoria. Kea was quiet, but Dean was extra talkative and cracking all kinds of hilarious jokes!
At 8:50 pm, C A called to say he and Yogi were on their way! Unfortunately, at this point, my phone died, so I don’t have anymore detailed accounts of what happened, but it went something like this: C A and Yogi arrived, along with the pizza (fuckin $70 pizza, man). Dean and Yogi hit Pink Lemonade and Lamb’s Breath. Yogi did Pink Lemonade and got super energetic and giddy. We started talking about spiritual shit. Kea was still zoned the fuck out, stretched out across two patio chairs! C A got sooooo high he was like, “Babe. I can’t even tell you how high I am. I am so high right now, if I stood up, I would fall.” Of course Dean and I break out into ridiculous laughter. LOL! The way he said it was sooooooo damn funny! Haha! Basically, the night carried on like this: various peaks and valleys of highs and lows until midnight. We went back to my dad and aunt’s house where we gave dad, AKA Daddy Toker (DT, named himself) some of our Private stash since he had been in pain earlier. That shit BLEW HIS MIND!! He looked like “WTF is going on?!” It was really funny, but I was already coming down and just wanted to sleep. We all slept like we were DEAD and woke up still stoned the next day! We felt really relaxed, but focused too. C A and Yogi went jet skiing, Dean and I drove back to LA, and Kea went to work. Unfortunately, Kea wasn’t very good at her job that day. Lol! Needless to say, she went back home after her first client. Haha!
Before we left for LA, we gifted DT and my aunt, Gummy (lmao), with some Premium Jack with Wesley Pipes (our little pipe). Dad got so fucked up, he was staring off into space and then said, in all seriousness, “the birds are my friends.” Dean, Gummy, and I just about died laughing!!! Then DT started CRYING! I don’t know where the fuck his mind went, but wherever it went, it was deep as fuck!! Gummy didn’t say much, but continued laughing for a while. She only took one hit, but she hasn’t smoked for like 30+ years, so yeah…she was getting fucked up! Hahaha! After we enjoyed watching them get high and experience pain relief, we got in the car and headed to Cali. DISCLAIMER: We DID NOT smoke, but only gave them some. Dean was good to drive and we arrived safely.
Man, I cannot tell you guys how amazing it was to just chill the fuck out and blaze with my family like that. We had so much fun and it truly was a bonding experience, man. It was so awesome. It was our first time smoking with more than just our neighbor and I was a little nervous about it, but it turned out just fine. I felt comfortable and didn’t have to worry about controlling my high. I could just be, which of course, is the fuckin point.
At 12:15 am, 4/24, my aunt passed away…
Spend your time enjoying life and your loved ones, friends. This experience is short and time is the only valuable commodity. Use it wisely and lovingly.
Stay high,
Hardy Har

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