
Enamored: Weed Just FEELS So Good

via Daily Prompt: Enamored
Hi friends. Welcome back to my little blog. So, today I was catching up on some reading and I saw that the Daily Prompt for today is the word enamored. The Daily Prompt is meant to encourage/inspire bloggers to write posts based on the word of the day. So far, I haven’t been inspired by other Daily Prompts, but me being a love bug, I got all hot and bothered by enamored. I mean, come on, just saying the word brings a pleasant feeling. Maybe that’s just me and now you all think I am a total weirdo! LOL! Well, I write a weed blog, so I guess there are more strange things than my love for words. Anyway, this word got me thinking about how much I enjoy smoking marijuana and thus a new blog post was born! That being said, please allow me to share my top three reasons why I love my good friend, Mary Jane.xmhfx896

  1. I focus like a laser beam! I’ve written before about the benefit of a focused mind thanks to the use of cannabis products. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just can’t sit still and get things done! Whenever I smoke a good hybrid or an Indica like OG 91, I make it a point to start tasks I may have been avoiding. Nuisance chores like doing the dishes, folding laundry, and cleaning the cat litter are not so problematic when I am on a trip after a high sesh. I’ve even written a blog post of two while high. 1423668286
  2. Sex, Sex, and MORE SEX! Ok, so you’re probably wondering why this wasn’t number one and I can’t say I have a good answer for you, BUT it definitely makes the list! Now, don’t go thinking you can a smoke a little weed and it will make you want to have sex. No, that’s not exactly how it works. What happens is it enhances sex; makes it way hotter and better. A good example of a strain that has some sex enhancing qualities is Grand Daddy Purple. Tried it for the first time over the weekend (major shout out to KUSHLAND, a favorite dispensary) and let’s just say, it lived up to its reputation. 😉fea_24pot1_t620
  3. Variety is life! There are so many strains, combinations, formulas, brands, and strengths of the stuff! Take your pick between wax concentrates, powder concentrates, moon rocks, space rocks, kief, and flowers! You can smoke it, eat it, and inject it (yeah, some folks take THC via IVs). It’s hard to get bored with a smorgasbord like that!

So what do you think? If you’re like me, it’s hard not to be enamored by this multi-faceted little plant.
Til next time, tokers.
-Hardy Har

0 thoughts on “Enamored: Weed Just FEELS So Good

    1. Hi Tavana. Thank you for visiting and reading! I had no idea there were so many varieties, too, until I stepped into this world. I am evening seeing cannabis products for animals and ill children. It’s pretty amazing what this little plant can do for people.

  1. I had no clue all these varieties exist ~ wax and powder concentrates. Quite interesting to read how it helps you stay focused and get chores done. I thought it was all about the munchies and going to Denny’s at 3 AM.

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