
About Last Night: Beware of Truth or Dare

Welcome back to my little weed-spot blog, located in a teeny tiny corner of the social media universe. Based on the title of this post, I bet you can guess what I did last night, and if you can’t, maybe you should put the bong down for a minute! Ok, if you guessed “got high and played a long, super duper risqué round of truth or dare with the boyfriend,” you’d be correct! So, how’d it go? Well, let’s find out!
First of all, it was another game night of indica-dominant hybrids so we were getting the best of both worlds. In case you didn’t already know, I LOOOOVE sativas and sativa-dominant hybrids. Personally, there’s nothing better than that mental race to euphoria that a premium sativa can provide. It just feels, so damn good. Anyway, lately, we have been trying to give some love to the few indica strains we have and because the tiny stash is mostly comprised of hybrids, we get to have our cake and eat it too!
Alright, so, the game. I gotta say, for those of you who are interested in high stakes truth-telling, then please, carry on and play boldly, but if you are shy, have something to hide, or are too afraid of getting a little silly then this may not be the activity for you! For me, I knew it could get a little hairy because Dean is the ULTIMATE daredevil! For real, guys. This dude went on Fear Factor and drank some poisonous concoction of cow tongue, tarantula, and only God knows what else! Needless to say, I was super scared of choosing ” truth or dare” with that maniac, but being that I enjoy a risk or two of my own, I said, “what the hell” and saddled up! And boy, ole boy, he didn’t disappoint! Right out the gate, dude wanted me to do push-ups on my porch while wearing my nightgown! I was like, “ummm, how about we go inside the house and I’ll do a dare in there?” I know, I know…you’re probably thinking that I’m a big wuss, and you if you are, you aren’t 100% correct. The weather has been so perfect at night, that we started sitting on the porch to smoke. Last night, I was dressed for bed and didn’t feel comfortable allowing my lady bits to flap in the wind for my neighbors to see. Lol! Yeah, not trying to blind anyone! Haha! So, he gave me a pass and we proceeded to play a game of truths. The questions ranged from the most ridiculous like “if you could be a planet, which one would you be” to “have you ever kissed someone else while we’ve been together.” I mean, shit got crazy, funny, and REAL sometimes! That being said, as fun as it was to stick to truths, what happened when we went into the house was even better!
Since I knew I flaked on my first dare, I decided to risk it all and choose dare again, with a fresh resolve to carry it through. So when Dean said, “I dare you to take two dabs back to back,” I blanched! Remember guys, we are still newbies. Granted, we do smoke daily and a variety of premium medical marijuana, but I was barely just getting comfortable with dabbing once and here this guy is wanting me to do two in a row! Aye Dios mio!!! Despite my hesitation, I was like “fuck it,” and hit that shit twice and wow, talk about a major head rush!!! I truly felt like my head was trying to lift off my body!! It felt light and airy, just on the brink of dizziness. It was intense for the first minute or so, but once my mind and body began to acclimate, it was sooooo awesome! Oh –I don’t think I mentioned that I dabbed a sativa. I have zero clue which one, but I know it was a sativa or sativa dominant hybrid. That would explain the sensation of my head popping off and doing salsa on my dining room table.
Dean was impressed. He knows me so well, and thus knows my limitations. He truly thought I would chicken out, but I did it with glee! Anyway, I said all of that to say this: when I consume marijuana, many things happen to me. One of those things is the loss of a lot of my fear and anxiety. Now, I may be more inclined to take a risk or two, but they are always calculated. In this case, I was at home, with my boyfriend and felt very safe and comfortable. I doubt I would have been as brazen if the environment was less known to me.
I am curious to know what those of you out there reading my little posts do when you’re getting high! Tell me about your activities or simply share your thoughts! Either way, I’m out!
Til next time, folks.
-Hardy Har

0 thoughts on “About Last Night: Beware of Truth or Dare

    1. Hey Dieter! Aww, thanks and truth be told, I wish I had started much sooner than now. I’m already 31 and just started smoking this year. But, better late than never, right? Thanks for the comment and stay tuned.

  1. I never thought of playing truth or dare while being high! That actually sounds like a lot of fun lol. I recently started dabbing too and I feel the same exact way, so props to you for doing two of them back to back! My boyfriend has his card, so right now we are into trying different edibles of different grams and stuff.
    I don’t know much of the whole marijuana lingo, but the brownie was probably what got me the most high. Tonight we are planning on trying a new edible, eating junk food and watching movies lol

    1. Hey there! Thanks for the comment!! Your level of experience sounds about where mine is. Hey, since you’re into edibles, you gotta try the sour belts. Those are so awesome! When you try those, play truth or dare and let me know how it goes! Lol!

      1. Yes, I’ll give those a try. Last weekend I had the gummy rings and each of them had about 15 mg, can’t remember. Well, I decided to take 2 and was on another level! Haha. I’ll give the ones you suggested a try! Thanks.

  2. That’s awesome. I’ve had the rings before, too and they were also 15mg. I liked those, but the sour belts tasted better to me. Can’t believe you ate two right out the gate! You’re a daredevil! Lol!

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