
Tools of the Trade

Hey y’all! Hardy Har here again! Thanks for checking out my latest post!
Today (technically this was written yesterday, 9/11/17) was one of those super awesome days that was a combination of The Universe (yeah, I believe in that) hooking me up and hard work/determination that ultimately resulted in some awesome opportunities, and by association, more work! Lol! Funny how that works out. That was pretty much the case for both Dean and me as his business venture is REALLY getting off the ground. Since we have been work mules all day, we wanted to relax with a smoke-out by the pool (gotta love Cali weather)! I invited my neighbor, AKA Vecina (neighbor in Spanish), and we sat in patio chairs while he floated away (literally) in the pool. Because we were outside and it was a sort of an impromptu thing, we didn’t dab or use the Castles (bongs) because, let’s face it, sometimes you don’t want to be bothered with all that equipment!😂That got me to thinking about all the stuff we’ve accumulated since we began smoking in February and boy, oh boy, is it a lot (to us)! So, let’s get into it and see what we got. *Remember when I edit the next day, those comments are in purple.

1. Twisty Glass Pipe by 7Pipe: $50 on TwistyShop

Photo Credit: www.thisiswhyimbroke.com

Twisty, as we like to call it, is up first. This little baby is a smoker’s delight. It’s small, convenient, and glass! There’s no need for paper (we only smoke out of glass or vape pens) or the annoyance of rolling, but it has all the benefits of a blunt. The best part about it is you can fill it with whatever ground flowers you want and drift away. You can take tiny baby hits or inhale as much in one breath that your lungs will allow. It really is up to you, but the blunt has the ability to just keep going and going. Before you know it, you are somewhere in the sky and you aren’t quite sure how you got there. I recommend this for anyone who loves smoking a blunt, but hates the hassle and expense of using papers.

2. Water Bongs: AKA Magic Castle and Glass Castle

Zob Bongs, Photo Credit: Aqua LabTech

Next on the list are the two Castles. When we first started smoking, we used our first bong, Glass Castle A LOT! I mean, we were getting smashed and we were total newbies! We had no idea that we basically started running before we learned how to walk with this marijuana stuff. Anyway, Glass Castle is a 16″ bong. It doesn’t have any fancy colors or cool identifying marks, but it is my favorite of the two. Here’s a slightly smaller one similar to what we have. I really like that the neck is short enough to keep the hit concentrated, but it’s long enough that it doesn’t burn as badly once you inhale.
The other bong is by Zob and we nicknamed it Magic Castle. You can find one similar to the one we have here. This rig is nearly 2 ft tall, measuring a staggering 23.5″ height! Needless to say, this fucker gets your high HIGH! Haha. No joke, many have fallen because of this one, including very seasoned smokers. One time, we smoked with one of my cousins who gets high aaaall the time. He took ONE hit and was DONE! He just couldn’t handle a hit that big combined with the organic top shelf premium stuff we smoke. Needless to say, tread carefully with these big babies. They aren’t for the feint of heart!

3. Pipes: Wesley Pipes, Swirls, and Trinket

Photo Source: www.freewtc.com

Often times when you buy marijuana products from the dispensaries, the employees will often give you a freebie or two. These freebies vary, but usually you can get a tiny little pipe and/or a grinder to grind your buds. About three weeks ago, Dean came home with this teeny tiny, little pipe. I mean, it is so little and extra adorable that we named it Trinket. I think this is perfect for personal smoke seshes that will allow you to get faded, but not über high. The pot of the pipe holds just enough for a couple of small to medium hits. It’s also great to stick in your purse or pocket and go.
Swirls is new and super cool! It’s got a really cool multi-color swirled design and a FAT pot! This is perfect for sharing and it definitely gets you up there! I really like it. We’ve had it about a week and it is already starting to look ravaged. HAHA!
Last, but not least is Wesley Pipes. It was the very first tool we used when we smoked the first time and it was the only thing we used until we got Glass Castle. Unfortunately, Wesley Pipes went to live with my sister, Ki, for her personal use. Although Wesley is dearly departed from our care, it holds a special place in our hearts. ♥

4. Vape and Dab Pens:

Photo Source: www.thepicta.com

Lastly, we have the pens. We have a red vape pen that is more trouble (and expense) than it’s worth. There’s a nasty plastic taste when you pull the vapor. Dean enjoyed smoking with it, but I didn’t. Wasn’t for me. Next.
On Friday he got some OC Pharm Dab Pens, courtesy of the dispensary his uncle works at. It was our first time using them and we REALLY like them! Talk about convenient! Man, all you gotta do is take it out of the box and suck! No loading weed, no scraping wax, nothing to clean up. It contains 500 mg of clear cannabis concentrate and we have two strains: Girl Scout Cookies (sativa dominant) and OG Headband (indica dominant). Although these pens are super amazing, I DO NOT recommend you use them if you are not accustomed to dabbing; specifically dabbing more than once in a row. I say that last part because it is similar to smoking a blunt. It is handy and it’s easy to take a puff and then take another one consecutively. I made that mistake last week and was high for 48 hours WITHOUT having to smoke again. Real talk: that shit $*@%$& me up! And because it’s us, we smoked both strains. I was GOOD on smoking the whole weekend. I felt the effects of that ultra HIGHbrid from Thursday to Sunday night. Wow! ::dramatic pause here:: That being said it was the Best. Sleep. Ever. Not to mention I had the energy to take a pole dancing class on Saturday (side note: that is F-U-N!) and The Princess to her Girl Scouts meeting on Sunday while having labelled over 400 spray bottles for Dean’s business AFTER work Thursday and Friday. Yeah… Just like that run on sentence, my focus and productivity went on and on…and on (thanks to my suped up high). And when it was time to go to bed, I slept soundly, peacefully and dreamless.
Anyway ya’ll, I’m a tad bit baked right now and it’s 7:45 p.m., so I’m signing off and playing this here Resident Evil 7 with Dean (because clearly we love the gory horror stuff when we smoke). Thanks for peeping ya girl.
Til next time…
Hardy Har

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