
Growing Weed: Holy Sh*t, We’re Doing It!

Tonight’s Menu:

Black Widow + Durban Poison

Heyyy! Guess what I’ve been up to lately. Come on, I’ll give you a hint [ahem, the title]. Well, if you guessed “growing weed” then you guessed right!

Hahaha Yes, Dean and I have been growing this amazing crop and it has been such a cool process! So, if you figured I was just off playing around and not being productive, you’re only half right this time! Haha. While I’ve definitely been getting my playtime on, I’ve also embarked on this pretty amazing journey of growing the plant that changed my life: cannabis.

I previously had a thumb that could kill any plant within 12 feet of it, but thankfully, the plants in our garden helped prepare me for the challenge of growing weed outdoors.

Dean’s Leaf

Now, I know I just tooted my horn a bit and said that I have been working on being a better gardener, but I can’t even take half the credit for how healthy and pretty our babies are. Dean has truly been the MVP of cannabis growing!

Both of us started out knowing next to nothing about growing, but with my connections to ample seeds (shout out to my mom and ex-father-in-law) coupled with Dean’s penchant for research, we’ve managed to accomplish something amazing!

Who knew it was so damn HARD to successfully grow outdoors?!?! I mean, I thought you could just throw a seed into a pot, give it water and sunlight; wait a couple of months and then BANG! STONER TIME! Yeah…definitely not how it goes down. 😒 😑 

Here’s how our journey began.

Getting Started.

As I mentioned above, I had seeds from my mom. I got the seeds from her last fall from one of her very fertile indica-strain plants. I was able to get about 30-40 seeds from her (major score). Fast forward nearly a year, as luck would have it, Dean and I shared a smoke with my ex-father-in-law and he gave us some of his seeds.

His weed was also outdoor and homegrown, but it wasn’t grown to the very best of it’s ability. Even with that said, the smoke was top-notch. So, of course when the offer for seeds arose, we snatched at it! Thus rounding out our impressive seed stash.

We still hadn’t decided to pull the trigger on growing weed (we’d been toying with the idea since I got my mom’s seeds last year) because we had no clue where to start! I’m in a ton of weed FB groups and several of those groups are for growers.

I had a very basic idea that there was a lot of “stuff” that we needed to buy and that it was probably going to be a slightly frustrating experience, but outside of that, I was clueless. However, what I am GREAT at is finding the right resources to help and that’s just what I did! 💁🏾

Growing Weed is Tough! We Needed Help.

I posted a question in one of the grower groups that was seen by Cartier Crops, a specialist cannabis grower who devotes himself to helping other people grow their own. He was looking to help five growers with their first grow utilizing his system/regimen.

He’s an indoor-grow expert in Arizona and we are first-time outdoor growers in Southern California. Obviously we have a stark contrast in climate; however, despite the differences in our growing conditions, with his help, we’ve been able to accomplish some really amazing things with our babies.

Dean’s also become a regular customer of a popular hyrdoponics store in Torrance called Los Angeles Hydroponics & Organics. Stan, a co-owner, has been giving some great advice. Since he’s here in SoCal and a long-time outdoor grower, he’s definitely been influential during our grow-journey.

We’ve also gotten a plethora of advice from different people. We both know many people who’ve been growing weed for years and we appreciate that old school advice. So, between our research and help from others, we’ve been able to keep all of our babies alive and thriving!

How’s It Going?

Well, see for yourself! Check out some photos of a few of the babies. They are a pretty sight, but Dean’s photography skills make them look awesome!

In the beginning. ❤️​


Love this rich green.



This is my favorite one. It was sick and tiny at first, but now is gorgeous!



You made it to the end of the post! Well, what’d ya think about our first grow? Leave me a message in the comments below! I’m about to hit this here bubbler and have a good afternoon in the garden among the babies.

Til next time, friends…

Hardy Har


5 thoughts on “Growing Weed: Holy Sh*t, We’re Doing It!

  1. I am not sure where you’re getting your information, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for great information I was looking for this info for my mission.

    1. Thanks for reading. 99% of my content comes from my personal experience. Just trying different things and going with the flow.

  2. I don抰 even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good. I don’t know who you are but definitely you’re going to a famous blogger if you are not already 😉 Cheers!

  3. I can tell that you’re trying to be uncontroversial with your content, but please remind yourself that the unpopular opinions sometimes make for good debate when argued with respect..and it is your site so let your voice set the tone here!

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