Higher Parenting, Higher Positivity, Higher Possibilities

Springtime Bloom: Let’s Catch Up!

Hey guys. So yeah, it’s been a while. I know I’m super terrible for going MIA. Especially after all that “I’m going to be this super awesome, great, productive person and push out all the dope content!” Yeah…so didn’t happen like that. Haha

BUT, notice anything different? MY SITE IS UP AND RUNNING NOW! Woooohoooo! It legit took me 10,000 years to get this thing up, and I’m still having some trouble with the domain name/SSL certificate/nameservers/shoot-me-nows. Haha I love technology and all, but damn, this shit is kinda hard. You actually have to know some stuff.ย ๐Ÿ˜…โ€‹

In other news, I started another project that’s really near and dear to my heart. That topic already consumes my life, so I decided that if I’m going to devote so much of my time to the subject, then I might as well get structured about it. So, I’ve been doing a lot of research and writing for that. Really excited.ย โคโ€‹

I’ve also been working on my podcast content. I’ve got several recordings nearly ready to be sent into podcastdom for all 3 of my listeners/followers to listen to. Dean even has the hook-up on editing because you KNOW ya girl has the pottiest mouth. Gotta get somebody to clean that up a wee bit.

My relationship with The Kiddo has also continued to progress. I’ve been implementing new activities for us to do. She was having a really hard time at school with math and bullying. The bullying issue I went full-steam ahead on and thankfully that seems to be at ease…for now.

She was also having a hard time with math, so I made about 100 flashcards with various basic equations. Her math skills improved within DAYS, ya’ll! It’s amazing what a little time and focus can do for us as human beings. Watching my daughter evolve and grow has really helped bring many things into focus for me.

She was classified by her doctor as being emotionally sophisticated. Because of that, she’s always been very expressive. Now that she’s older, we have some pretty deep conversations and I’m constantly in awe of the questions she asks. I can really tell that she’s looking at things on a deeper level. I appreciate that because I feel like public schools are trying to eliminate critical thinking.

Oh! Speaking of The Kiddo and school, it looks like she’s going to be homeschooled for the next semester! I cannot express how excited I am about this. I know homeschooling isn’t for everyone, but I’m hoping it will be for us! Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find any other homeschooled kids my daughter’s age in the area, but that didn’t stop the show!

On the menu this afternoon. | Photo from Exhale Cannabis Dispensary

There are still some details to work out, but it looks like this is happening! It will be a true test for both of us, but I think if I’m committed, she will be too. She’s excited about this just as much as I am. She really wants to love school like she used to. The girl has such an amazing capacity for learning that it’s a shame the school system tried to beat that out of her.

Okay, so let me think… I’m trying to recall what else has been going on, but being that I just took a massive hit of Green Crack (still talking about weed here, so don’t get your panties in a bunch) about 15 minutes ago, I can barely remember what I ate for breakfast!ย ๐Ÿ˜‚โ€‹ Oh, oh!! I remember!!!

I moved my dad from Vegas to LA because he had another strokeย ๐Ÿ˜žโ€‹โ€‹ and the commuting back and forth for each emergency was a lot on me. Plus my mom and stepdad are here and they’re also elderly so I figured why not add one more to the party. He’s doing well, by the way. That man has more lives than my cat!ย 

“Why the random cat pic,” you wonder? Umm, I mentioned “cat” AND I love them. So cute!

All in all, I can’t say life hasn’t been eventful. It has been very active. Sure, there are times when things aren’t moving at lightning speed in terms of productivity and progress, but it’s all apart of the journey. Those fast-as-lightning moments that eventually sweep me away more than make up for the slow times. Everything’s a balance and I’m okay with that.

Anyway, I’m going to end this little post here. Thanks for stopping by and catching up with me. I’d love to read what you all have going on so feel free to leave a comment!


Til next time,

Hardy Har





3 thoughts on “Springtime Bloom: Let’s Catch Up!

  1. Having read this I thought it was very informative. I appreciate you taking the
    time and energy to put this informative article together.

    I once again find myself spending a lot of time both reading and posting comments.
    But so what, it was still worth it!

    1. Hello! Thanks for checking in. I took a long break from writing the blog. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue. I will try to get some new content for you!

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