Active High Sesh, Higher Fitness


Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! I hope you know how much I appreciate the visit.
Today’s post is a short and sweet one. Actually, I have noticed that most of the Activeps_1219_high_kite High Sesh posts are shorter. Makes sense being that I’m high as a kite while I’m writing AHSs.
Anyway, this one is the first post I’ve written that features a #killercombo. I think this is something I will do once a week with AHSs going forward. Since Dean loves making super awesome combinations for us to indulge in, I thought it would be cool to give them a write-up for some of my fellow Cannalovers to try out.
As always, tread carefully with these combos. We smoke a lot of heavy-hitting sativas and ALL of our strains are premium quality so the highs can be much more impacting. If smoking is newish to you, please don’t try to blow your top off with the combos I mention. There are levels to this shit. Take each one and build up your tolerance. Haha! Now, let’s get into it!

6:20 Dean and I started working out about 5:30 and he decided to make a #killercombo workout mix for us this evening and the shit BLEW ME AWAY! And since it did, I decided to call this combo Blown Away. Guys, it’s so damn good. Here’s what’s all mixed in:
Layer 1. Charge 504 (sativa)
Layer 2. Super Lemon Haze Concentrate (sativa dominant hybrid)
Layer 3. Durban Poison (sativa)
Layer 4: Super Lemon Haze Concentrate
Layer 5: Super Jack (hybrid)

Look at all the lush kush.

Okay, so I know you’re probably thinking, “these MFs might not make it” based on that crazy mixture of premium Cali kush, but on the contrary my friends, we are thriving! This combination completely transformed my already intense workouts. I mean, I was EXTRA with it tonight! We worked out intensely just under an hour.
Back in the day, I would have cringed to workout for even 20 minutes and now suddenly I’m enjoying an hour long sweat fest?! Seriously, who the. hell. am. I? Lol! I am so elated that I’ve gotten to the point that something that I loathed before has become something I  now love. Such a breath of fresh air.
About the high: Alright, so I think you get the drift that this sh*t is an energy turbo boost, BUT what I also want you to know is that about an hour into that turbo boost (with intense workout), the high will mellow into an energetic focused high, et voila! That’s how I’m able to write this post free of pesky energy shakes and hyperactivity! Thanks to the super awesome Super Lemon Haze coming through with it’s happy energy and easy focus, the high never turns into a sativa overload. It also helped that we worked out like maniacs. 6:43
BLOWN AWAY had me feeling like this guy.

7:05 Wow. Didn’t think 20 minutes passed already! Lol Well, I can’t say I expected this high to allow me to be ultra focused, but it does allow for a decent amount of productivity time. I can’t help with homework right now, but I would be super fun playing a game or having a dance sesh with the Kiddo. She’ll be home soon so I’ll be able to wear her out with some silliness before she heads to bed. 7:07
7:08 I’m feeling a major energy boost which means I am going to take a hiatus and workout for a bit until it’s dancing time. 7:09
7:21 LMAO I literally sat right here grooving to this Eve song Dean is playing! 😂 Let me try that again. Haha. 7:21
kb8:14 Back! One of the things I meant to note earlier about my working out is that I almost NEVER workout in my actual, over-priced, extra tight workout clothes anymore. I will literally start doing weight reps and cardio workouts in whatever I’m wearing at the moment. I even do it in pajamas; in fact, I busted mad moves with the kettlebell in my nightgown tonight. 😂 Lol! I don’t let anything stop me from working out. If it’s on my task list (which it is), it’s getting done. Laundry day? No problem! Get it in in your underwear! Lol. It’s actually pretty fun. 😉 Haha! 8:27
8:59 I think I’m going to wrap this little post up for the night. I just smoked ANOTHER combo called #DAINTY and it’s an indica dominant hybrid combo so I want to try some meditation. My energy has been a little twacked this week. Time to find the center…or try to. 9:01
Til next time,
Hardy Har
The Pursuit of Higher Self


  1. Workout Mix??? I’ve never heard of this. Mine would have looked as follows.
    – 6:20:00 Killer combo workout mix
    – 6.20:58: Sleep
    – 9:01:00 Wake up
    I’ve actually never thought of mixing greens, let alone partaking in said mix before a workout.
    Awesome post. Keep em coming!
    – Oscar

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