
Active High Sesh: Manic Monday

Hi guys, thanks for stopping by my page! Today’s blog post (written yesterday, 10/2/17) is a short[er] post. Since we usually smoke at night (the kiddo is back home from camp, so back to our regular schedule), we had an emotional day with all the staying up to date regarding the shooting in Las Vegas and the sudden death of a family member. By the end of it all, we just wanted to chill and try to decompress our brains. I think we were purposely avoiding talking further about either tragedy and instead chatted about how little we actually smoke!
I could have sworn we were like the biggest (and newest) stoners ever! Haha! Turns out there are people out there toking up MAJORLY Monday through Sunday. Since Dean and I share our bowls, we essentially are smoking half of whatever we fill them with. Lately, we have been using a pretty small bowl on Glass Castle because I had previously mentioned to Dean that it seemed like we didn’t need to use the large bowls all the time. Our stuff is top quality shit, so I don’t think we need to smoke 10 bowls a day to get high. We get high as kites as it is, what more could we want? Anyway, let’s get into it. Menus:

Weed: Blue Dream (sativa dom) + Banana Bread (hybrid)
Food: Krispy Krunchy Chicken (they have THEEEE BEST biscuits EVER!)

Photo courtesy of Krispy Krunchy Chicken

7:13 We started smoking about 6:45ish on this grim Monday evening. Today was a tough one. It’s the morning after that tragic shooting in Vegas and in addition, the loss of a family member (unrelated occurrence). ::Sigh:: Even Dean was down today. It’s hard to believe that these horrible things happen to people. I know I should, but I just can’t get used to all the ugliness in this world. Interestingly enough, the more I smoke, the more I repel negativity. Things that are bad seem to hurt me even more deeply. My compassion level has increased x 10. I was always empathetic and compassionate, but now I am even more so. Needless to say, today shook me. 7:19
Photo credit: KUIC

7:22 So, tonight Dean mixed up an interesting combo. I had mentioned to him that I haven’t been sleeping as deeply as I have previously. I surmise it’s due to the high amounts of sativa strains I’ve been smoking lately. Anyway, we were chatting about that and that conversation reminded us that I learned something interesting from some of the weed FB groups I’m in: we don’t smoke as much as we think we do. In comparison to more seasoned smokers, we hardly smoke, despite smoking daily! A lot of the group members boasted about smoking a gram of two a day. Dean and I definitely don’t smoke that much at once; however, we are smoking top shelf, organic, premium grade. It seems to me that it makes a difference, but I haven’t actually researched it. I know that when we smoke with other people who have been smoking for years, we usually outsmoke them. I think the quality of our stash makes us need less of it to get our highs on! 7:30
7:31 About the high: my sense of smell has definitely increased. Lord, I am smelling everything! Also, my focus is kicking in hard. I am super content just typing away this blog post. Dean decided to try playing The Evil Within (you know how we love out scary games and movies). It looks like it might be pretty promising. Side note: Dean thinks it’s some type of special talent that I can type and watch him play the game at the same time. Lol! 7:37
7:38 Umm, okay. This game just got way the fuck real! How can it be that we have not played this shit before?! 7:38
7:40 Oh! I forgot to mention earlier that I may be writing a blog post about Ganja Yoga very soon. Stay tuned for that! 7:42 (I was clearly side-tracked here! took a whole two minutes to write those two sentences. Lol!)
7:47 Dean has come to the conclusion that we will need a Walkthrough for this game. Neither of us has the fuck to give to figure out all these tiny little details on our own! LBVS! 7:49
7:51 Uh oh. Somehow Dean and I landed on our favorite daily topic: racism against African people everywhere. We talk about that every single day because each and everyday we are subjected to it. SMH 7:54
Photo courtesy of stonerdays.com

7:55 About the high now: Since Dean concocted this medley of two strains, I am now feeling the effects of the indica notes. I feel physically relaxed. The hyper-sensitivity of my senses that I earlier experienced is gone. I still have cotton mouth though (I realize I forgot to mention that in the previous “about the high”). This shit does cause some serious cotton mouth, though. Damn! Where’s the water hose?! 7:58
7:58 Okay, Dean wants me to read the Walkthrough now so I think I’ll call it a night for this Active High Sesh. If I was reminded of only one thing from the aftermath of the horrific events of yesterday, it’s to make sure to live each day emphatically and honestly: love deeply, respect completely, and live happily. Have a great day/night, folks. 8:02
Til next time,
Hardy Har

Summary Notes:
This hybrid mixture was the perfect amount of mellow to apply to Manic Monday. We both worked on our businesses, laughed, played, ate, and watched some old school 90s cartoons. I didn’t reach euphoria, which is always preferred if I am trying to work, but I was extremely relaxed and happy. I’d say the proper descriptor is “uplifted.” We felt incredibly uplifted. There was still that social buzz, but instead of feeling like the-turnt-up-duo-at-a club, we felt more like the-amazing-duo-that-hosted-a-great-dinner-among-friends. Does that make sense? Haha. Anyway, I was definitely digging this medley. Shout out to Dean for always hookin’ a sistah up!
The Pursuit of Higher Self

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