
Productive Flower Power

Howdy friends! Oh, look at that –I’m back with ANOTHER new blog post so soon! Shocking, I know, but there’s a reason for that and I bet you can guess exactly what it is! If your hazy mind went straight to the obvious answer (marijuana), then congratulations, Captain Obvious, you hit the nail on the head (I… Read More Productive Flower Power


Emotions + Marijuana

  Okay guys, let’s talk mental and emotional wellness. You all don’t know [well, you do now] that I was diagnosed with anxiety and PTSD a couple of years ago. So, what exactly does that mean for me? In regards to the anxiety, anything can cause me a huge amount of stress. It can be as… Read More Emotions + Marijuana


Family Buds

Hey, welcome back, guys – actually, I think you should be saying that to me! After my first blog post I totally went MIA. That definitely wasn’t intentional, but yo, there have been some major things in life happening, man. Let’s play catch up, shall we? Here goes the condensed version of events: Dean and… Read More Family Buds